United States
The United States government’s official web portal, USA.gov (formerly FirstGov.gov) is an good starting point when looking for any federal Web resource.
The White House
Briefing room, current issues, the administration, a White House blog, and more.
United States Senate
Senators, committees, legislation, records, history, and reference.
United States House of Representatives
Find representatives, bills, amendments, debates, and vote information.
United States Courts
The gateway to all United States federal- court websites. Start here if you need a case, administrative rule or other information from a federal court about which you are unfamiliar.
"The premire federal, state & local government site on the Internet."
U.S. Government Sources for Public Records and “Publicly Available” Information |
United States Code
Search and download the official United States Code from the Office of the Law Revision Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives.
Government Printing Office
The Government Printing Office website contains official information from all three branches of the federal government. Congressional bills and record, public/private laws, the United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulation, the Federal Register, and more can all be found here.
Congressional Record
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress and is published daily when Congress is in session. GPO Access contains Congressional Record volumes from 140 (1994) to the present.
Government Accountability Office
The Government Accountability Office (formerly, the General Accounting Office) is the audit, evaluation, and investigation arm of Congress. Here you can find Congressional reports, economic and financial reports, key national indicators, and economic statistics on topics that range from Federal Budget and Fiscal Issues to Financial Management, Education, Defense, Homeland Security, Administration of Justice, Health Care, Information Management and Technology, Natural Resources, Environment, International Affairs, Trade, Financial Markets, Housing, Government Management and Human Capital.
United States Census
Not only can you access, for free, complete local and national census results, which can be helpful factually in a multitude of ways, (e.g., in discrimination cases) but this Web site is a key resource for analyzing jury-pool demographics. With it you can find out all age, race, income, education, and other information about any county in the country.
PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) is an electronic database run by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. There are currently PACER systems available in the U.S. Supreme Court, all of the Federal District Courts, as well as the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts. PACER is administered centrally; however, each court operates its own system locally so data is not integrated across jurisdictions. PACER is best if you know in which court the case was filed along with the case number, party name, or filing date. PACER charges a small per-page fee.
There are other similar but more expensive resources, including Courtlink, CourtExpress, and Westlaw, which allow searches across multiple jurisdictions on any section or combination of sections from the docket. Possible search criteria include, names of parties, judges, attorneys and law firms, case subjects, date ranges, and text of clerk’s docket entry items. Courtlink also offers information from certain state courts, including Delaware Court of Chancery dockets, Cook County, Illinois, and New York State Supreme Court. CourtExpress covers International Trade Commission petitions and complaints, and WestDockets allows for a traditional terms and connectors search for a few dollars.
Recap the Law
RECAP is a free add-on to the excellent Firefox web browser that gives PACER users an easy way to contribute to a free, open repository of federal court records. When a RECAP user purchases a document from PACER, the RECAP extension automatically sends a copy of that document to the RECAP archive. The best part is that RECAP saves users money by notifying them when documents they’re searching for are already available for free from the public archive.
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress site allows you to search its catalogues and use the associated “Thomas” legislative information site for information on bills, votes, members, etc.
Helping you keep tabs onthe US Congress.
Congressional Roll Call
The newspaper of Capitol Hill since 1955.
"The premire federal, state & local government site on the Internet."
State and Local Government on the Net
This site provides links to all state, county, and city government sites and can be helpful when information is needed from a different jurisdiction. The resource can be used, for example, to find a county website in another state from which you may be able to locate case-docketing information.
Click on “Online Library” to access on-line versions of municipal codes for virtually every municipality in the country.
National Association of Secretaries of State
Often it is a state's Department of State that has key information about corporations, liens, licensing, administrative law, and election information. For example, it can sometimes be helpful to determine corporate status and the officers and directors of a corporation by searching the Department of State’s website in the state of incorporation. This site includes information for all states' departments of state, but is not as useful before it took down the map-link reference to each state's SOS. Links to individual state secretaries are in state sections below.
Florida |
My Florida: Florida’s Official Portal
Use the site map to find links to state agencies, committees, commissions, associations and other entities.
OnLine Sunshine
Links to Florida statutes, Constitution and laws.
Florida Department of State
In charge of corporations and elections, the Department of State’s site includes links to Florida’s Administrative Code, General Laws, as well as corporate and election information.
Florida Campaign Financing Contributions
Search by candidate or contributor for historical data on reported campaign contributions. Often an important tool for checking out a judge or other elected official.
Division of Corporations
This is where to find annual reports and other public filings of Florida corporations. Useful to determine whether corporations are in good status (and, therefore, are able to sue or be sued), as well as to find information about officers and directors.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
Florida State Courts
Links to all state courts (county, circuit, district).
Rules Regulating the Florida Bar
On-line version including the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct.
Florida Rules of Professional Conduct [pdf]
Current as of December 1, 2008.
Financial Accounting Standards Board
Since 1973, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been the designated organization in the private sector for establishing standards of financial accounting. Those standards govern the preparation of financial statements and are officially recognized as authoritative by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
American Accounting Association
A voluntary organization of persons interested in accounting education and research. Formed in 1916, the AAA is the principal association of accounting academics in the US. Its main publication is The Accounting Review, first published in 1926.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
The PCAOB is a private-sector, nonprofit corporation created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to oversee the auditors of public companies in order to protect the interests of investors and futher the public interest in the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports.
BDO Seideman
BDO Seideman, LLP is the US member firm of BDO International, the largest global accounting and consulting network outside the big four.
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Deloitte is a big-four accounting firm, and one of the largest professional services firms in the world.
Ernst & Young
E&Y, or EY is a big-four accounting firm, and one of the largest professional services firms in the world. Ranked as Forbes 7th largest US private company in 2007.
Grant Thorton
A global organization of accounting and consulting member firms. Although many of the firms carry the Grant Thornton name, they are not all members of one international partnership.
KPMG is a big-four accounting firm, and one of the largest professional services firms in the world.
PwC is a big-four accounting firm, and the world's largest professional services firm. It was formed in 1998 from a merger between Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand.
Rutgers Accounting Web (RAW)
Rutgers University's accounting resource. |
Admiralty Law Guide
The Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide includes over 1,500 links to admiralty law resources on the Internet and a database of admiralty case digests, opinions and international maritime conventions.
Maritime Law Association of the United States
Links to admiralty/maritime resources.
MegaLaw Admiralty/Maritime Links
Links to admiralty/maritime resources.
Miami Maritime Arbitration Council
The increase in trade through the ports of Florida, including Miami and Port Everglades, and the increasingly important role of Miami as the financial and cultural capital of Latin America, inspired creation of the Miami Maritime Arbitration Council ("MMAC"). The goal of the Council is to assist in obtaining fair, confidential and inexpensive resolutions to maritime disputes, both domestic and international.
MMAC Rules
American Arbitration Association
AAA Rules
The American Arbitration Association provides services to individuals and organizations who wish to resolve conflicts out of court. Its role in the dispute-resolution process is to provide administrative services for cases including assisting in the appointment of arbitrators, setting hearings, and providing users with information on dispute resolution options.
Association for International Arbitration
The Association for International Arbitration (AIA) works towards promotion of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in general and arbitration in particular, as a means of dispute resolution and strives to bring together the global community in this field, be it as professionals in the form of judges, lawyers, arbitrators, mediators or as academics as well research scholars and students. The association is not an arbitration institute and does not make arbitral appointments.
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
The "CIArb" is a not-for-profit, UK registered charity working in the public interest through an international network of branches and has a global membership of around 12,000 individuals who have professional training in private dispute resolution. It exists for the global promotion, facilitation and development of all forms of private dispute resolution to maximize the contribution that dispute resolution practitioners make. CIArb acts as an international center for practitioners, policy makers, academics and those in business concerned with the cost-effective and early settlement of disputes.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority operates the largest dispute resolution forum in the securities industry to assist in the resolution of monetary and business disputes between and among investors, securities firms and individual registered representatives.
ICC International Court of Arbitration
ICC Rules
The International Chamber of Commerce runs the ICC International Court of Arbitration, one of the world's leading institutions for resolving international commercial and business disputes. The court has handled more than16,000 cases since founded in 1923. In 2008, 663 cases were filed, involving 1,758 parties from 120 countries. ICC arbitration is an attractive alternative to national courts for resolving international business disputes because cases are confidential and can be resolved in neutral countries by international arbitrators.
International Centre of Dispute Resolution
ICDR Rules
The American Arbitration Association (AAA) established the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). The "Centre" is charged with the administration of all of the AAA's international matters. Additionally, the ICDR has cooperative agreements with arbitral institutions around the world for facilitating the administration of its international cases. ICDR arbitration is under its specific rules, which allow parties to choose where a dispute will be arbitrated and an ability to select an arbitrator or mediator with appropriate language skills.
JAMS Rules
JAMS (originally standing for Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services) was founded in California in 1979. JAMS is now the largest private alternative dispute resolution provider in the world. JAMS specializes in mediating and arbitrating complex, multi-party, business/commercial cases and prides itself on its panel more than 250 full-time arbitral neutrals.
London Court of International Arbitration
LCIA Rules
Orginally founded in 1892, the LCIA is one of the oldest international institutions for commercial dispute resolution. Based in London, the LCIA provides international administration of dispute resolution proceedings for parties, regardless of their location or native system of law.
Miami Maritime Arbitration Council
MMAC Rules
The increase in trade through the ports of Florida, including Miami and Port Everglades, and the increasingly important role of Miami as the financial and cultural capital of Latin America, inspired creation of the Miami Maritime Arbitration Council ("MMAC"). The goal of the Council is to assist in obtaining fair, confidential and inexpensive resolutions to maritime disputes, both domestic and international.
National Arbitration Forum
NAF Rules
Founded in 1986, the National Arbitration Forum is a U.S. national and international administrator of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services including mediation and arbitration.
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Located in The Hague and established by treaty in 1899, the PCA is an intergovernmental organization with over 100 member states that provides a variety of dispute-resolution services to the international community. The PCA administers arbitration, conciliation and fact finding in disputes involving various combinations of states, private parties, state entities, and intergovernmental organizations. International commercial arbitration can also be conducted under PCA auspices. The PCA’s two working languages are English and French. However, proceedings may be conducted in any language agreed on by the parties. The UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, adopted in 1976, contemplate that parties should specify an appointing authority in their arbitration agreement who will appoint arbitrators and decide challenges when necessary. Otherwise the rules entrust the Secretary-General of the PCA with the role of designating an "appointing authority" upon request of a party to arbitration proceedings. |
Aviation  |
Air Accident Digest
Maintained by plaintiffs' law firm.
Aviation Links
Your “link” to the world of aviation, with thousands of links to aviation resources.
Aviation Week
Serving over 1.2 million professionals in 185 countries, Aviation Week is the largest information and services provider to the global commercial, defense, maintenance/repair/overhaul (MRO), space and business aviation communities and connects industry professionals worldwide.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Office of Airline Information (OAI) database.
Flight Safety Foundation
An independent, nonprofit, international organization engaged in research, auditing, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety.
International Air Transport Association
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center
U.S. National Transportation Safety Board
Constitutional Law Prof Blog
Edited by law professors.
Constitutional Law & Rights
Lawcopedia's constitutional law resource.
Exploring Constitutional Law
The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law's quirky but informative con-law page.
Researching Constitutional Law on the Internet
University of Chicago resource with focus on international constitutional law.
Supreme Court news with summaries and analysis of new opinions.
U.S. Supreme Court
Sections for Recent Decisions, About the Supreme Court, Docket, Oral Arguments, Merits Briefs, Bar Admissions, Court Rules, Case Handling Guides, Opinions, Orders and Journals, Visiting the Court, Public Information, Jobs, and Links.
U.S. Supreme Court Center
Findlaw's Supreme Court resource with biographies of justices, briefs, cases by topic for each term, calendar, court history, rules, orders, news, and more. |
The official business link to the U.S. government.
The New York Times excellent M&A and finance blog edited by Andrew Ross Sorkin.
Corporate Forms Corporate Law Links
Fairly good links to North American corporation codes.
Corporate Governance
Links on corporate governance and related subjects.
An eBusiness Knowledgebase tha finds the Web's answers to business questions.
HG – Lex Mundi
HG’s Corporate Law- Business Law section.
My Corporate Resource
This site is s designed to provide the latest in legal and commercial information from the world’s top law firms and industry insiders. Every year the top 100 American law firms produce more than 10,000 Client Alerts addressing the key commercial and legal issues faced by their clients. This site aggregates, reviews, sorts and summarizes this content---for free--resulting in an excellent resource.
Robert's Rules of Order
Bartleby's version of the autoritative manual on deliberative procedure.
At the Securities & Exchange Commission site, search the on-line EDGAR database of corporate filings of publicly held companies. Search for a person over the entire database, or find quarterly and annual reports, and other disclosures using a company's name or trading symbol. Click on "Search for Company Filings."
Transaction Space
Site aims to make the deal-making process more efficient, intuitive and transparent. Lawyers begin by identifying the documents the transaction will require, and the parties who will have to sign each document. The system then tracks the back-and-forth of negotiating and revising the wording of each document, maintaining a full record of versions and dates. Once the documents are done, the system prepares the necessary signature pages and delivers them to the appropriate parties. Signatures are held in escrow until all are in and the deal closed. Progress is shown graphically in a matrix depicting documents and signatories. Users can see the progression of drafts signature status in real time. While in beta, there is no charge to use it. Its developers, who are lawyers, have not decided on post-beta pricing, but say it will be based on a flexible, pay-as-you-go subscription. |
E-Discovery and Forensics  |
Computer Forensics Digest
A legal resource for attorneys, law enforcement, and the public.
E-Discovery Law
K&LGates' well-known e-discovery blog and resource.
The EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) develops guidelines and standards for e-discovery consumers and providers. Its graphic model of the flow of electronic discovery is one of the most widely used graphics in e-discovery seminars and training materials. But clicking on the graphic at the Website provides a wealth of information on every aspect of information management, identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, analysis, production and presentation.
E-Law Exchange
"Guiding your electronic discovery and evidence decisions."
Electronic Discovery Institute
The e-Discovery Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to resolving electronic discovery challenges by conducteing studies of litigation processes that incorporate modern technologies.
IMS Guide to E-Discovery Resources on the Web
This expert services vendor provides a decent guide to internet e-discovery resources.
Legal Electronic Document Institute
The Legal Electronic Document Institute is a Washington non-profit corporation (seemingly run from New Orleans) established to promote the development of education and standards in the field of legal electronic documents, including practice management of electronic documents, electronic trial practice with litigation support systems, e-filing, e-signatures and e-discovery.
Legal Hold Blog
A blog dedicated to cases, insights, developments and best practices relating to the development and implementation of legal holds relating to audit, investigation and litigation in the United States; and trigger events that give rise to the duty to preserve evidence in the United States.
Managing Discovery of Electronic Information: A Pocket Guide for Judges [pdf]
Learn what the judges learn from the Federal Judicial Center.
Sedona Conference
The Sedona Conference is an institute that provides educational programs and working groups. Since cited by Judge Schindlin in the watershed Zubulake opinions, Sedona's "Principles" and "Guidelines" have become well known and are persuasive in the resolution of e-discovery disputes.
Sedona Publications
All of Sedona's principles, guidelines, glossaries and working papers can be downloaded for personal use at no charge after entering name and email information.
Sedona WG-6 Wiki
The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 has created this wiki with an excellent overview of laws--especially laws pertaining to privacy and discovery--internationally.
State E-Discovery Resource
LexisNexis and Applied Discovery's state law electronic discovery compilation.
"Zubulake Revisited: Six Years Later" [pdf]
Download the full text of the amended order and opionion Pension Committee v. Banc of America Secs., Judge Scheindlin's latest contribution to the e-discovery dialogue, discussing appropriate sanctions for various degrees of failure in the preservation and collection of electronically stored information.
"Zubulake Revisited" PLI Presentation [ppt]
Download the PowerPoint used at the February 24, 2010 PLI presentation on the Pension Committee v. Banc of America Securities case. |
Election Law Blog
Loyola Law School (LA) professor Rick Hanson's blog on election law, campaign finance, legislation, voting rights, initiatives, redistricting, and the Supreme Court nomination process.
Federal Election Commission
The FEC is the US independent regulatory agency created to administer and enforce the financing of federal elections. Site includes campaign finance reports and data.
Federal Election Commission Regulations
FEC regs from the Government Printing Office.
MegaLaw Election Law Resource
Great compilation of links to decisions, federal and state statutes, and other election resources.
More Soft Money Hard Law
Obama lawyer Bob Bauer's site on campaign finance, with links to campaign finance reform resources. |
EU Privacy |
The Commission Nationale de L'informatique et des Libertés is the independent French administrative data-protection authority. Official site includes commentary on implementation and interpretation of the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.
EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC
English text of original EU data protection directive that the Union required to be adopted by each Member State not later than October 1998.
EU Data Protection Guide [pdf]
The official English-language version of the EU guide on the data protection directive.
HH DataProtection
Hogan & Hartson's blog on primarily EU data protection and privacy issues.
WP 158 [pdf]
Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Working Document 1/2009 on Pre-Trial Discovery for Cross Border Civil Litigation.
WP 114 [pdf]
Article 29 Data Protection Working Party Working Document on a Common Interpretation of Article 26(1) of Directive 95/45/EC.
When Continents and Cultures Collide [ppt]
ABA Aviation & Space Law Committee presentation on cross-border e-discovery.
Franchise Help
A good site for general franchising issues. It includes fee access to Uniform Franchise Offering Circulars and other franchisor information.
Legal research portal with emphasis on international law. Calls itself the “catalog of catalogs of worldwide law on the Internet.
Department of Commerce: Denied Persons List
You may not engage in export or reexport transactions with persons on this list.
HG Worldwide Legal Directories
An international legal directory created by the Lex Mundi law-firm association.
The official legal website of the French Republic. (Site is in French.)
Sedona WG-6 Wiki
The Sedona Conference Working Group 6 has created this wiki with an excellent overview of laws--especially laws pertaining to privacy and discovery--internationally.
World Legal Information Institute
Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law. |
Navigate to “products” and “download patents” for download services for ordering patent documents. General patent information.
Japanese Patent Office
A portal focusing on technology and intellectual property sites. Check “IP Resources” section for interesting and substantive IP sites.
Claims to be the Internet's most popular patent-law blog. Summarizes key patent decisions.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
How-to guides, patent trademark and copyright searches, and much more.
USPTO Examiners
An anonymous forum for patent professionals to review, rank and learn about patent examiners and trademark examining attorneys. "Prior knowledge about a particular patent examiner or a trademark examining attorney can be a valuable tool when planning and strategizing the prosecution of a patent or trademark case." |
ADA Home Page
Information and technical assistance from the DOJ on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
The place to find government statitstics on issues including inflation, prices, spending and credit use, unemployment, pay, productivity, and workplace injuries.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The EEOC has information on employment discrimination, laws, filing charges, enforcement statistics and employment statistics.
Free Advice
You may get what you pay for, but the Employment Labor Law section of this site answers may general labor and employment questions, like "How long may I work as an H-1B temporary worker?"
Labor and Employment Law Blog
The purpose of this blog is to provide articles on labor and employment issues that involve federal labor and employment laws, and to be a resource for employers, human resource professionals, and labor relation's officers.
The the mission of this self-described "First in Employment Law" site is to publish summaries of the latest court decisions.
National Labor Relations Board
The NLRB is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector.
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration's mission is to prevent work-related injuries, illnesses, and deaths. Congress created OSHA under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, signed into law by President Richard M. Nixon on December 29, 1970.
U.S. Department of Labor
The Department of Labor webiste is rich with news, numbers, facts and FAQs.
Wage and Hour Division
The Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responseible for enforcing federal labor laws on topics including minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, youth employment, and others. |
Bartleby publishes thousands of classic reference, verse, fiction and non-fiction books on-line. Direct links to several are included below.
You still have to pay for the Bluebook, but the “Blue Tips” section of its site provides free and interesting citation analysis.
Elements of Style
Bartleby’s on-line version of the William Strunk, Jr. classic.
Government Style Manual
Is it 10:00 a.m. or 10 a.m.? When do you spell out a number? Were they the 1960s or 1960’s? When the Bluebook doesn't have the answer, the Government Style Manual is the ultimate authority.
OneLook Dictionary
This meta-search engine enables you to search 970 dictionaries at once. Also does translations.
On-line Cliff-type notes with a decent legal writing section that includes basic concepts for drafting the case note, the legal memorandum, the appellate brief, as well as general tips on legal writing.
U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
The Seventh Circuit seems to have taken the lead on trying to educate lawyers as to what formatting looks best, reads best, and is most persuasive. Two documents, Requirements and Suggestions for Typography in Briefs and Other Papers, as well as the article by Ruth Anne Robbins, Painting with Print: Incorporating Concepts of Typographic and Layout Design Into the Text of Legal Writing Documents, are both posted on the Circuit’s website under “Guides.” |
Medical  |
American Medical Association
Resources, Medical Journals, news and information.
Anatomy of the Human Body
Bartleby’s on-line version of Grey’s Anatomy including “1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Site offers a significant amount of information about illness, aging, nutrition, workplace safety, injuries and violence.
Department of Health & Human Services
The principal U.S. agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. Site includes pages on diseases, prevention, preparedness, and regulations.
Hospital Rankings
U.S. News & World Report's rankings of America's best hospitals.
Run by the National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus has links to tutorials, clinical trials, and medical journals.
Medscape offers robust and integrated medical information and educational tools.
Merick Manuals
Online versions of the best medical manuals available.
New England Journal of Medicine
Non subscribers can access indexes and recent articles.
A free database service of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
WebMD provides health information, tools for managing health, and other related information.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
The CPSC is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction.
Cornell's Products Liability Overview
LII's basics on products liaibility law.
Drug and Device Law
Blog on the defense of pharmaceutical and medical device product-liability litigation.
Includes basics on product law and articles.
Products liability news compiled by FindLaw.
Products liability news compiled by Law360.
Links to articles and websites on products liability. |
Cornell's Securities Law Overview
With good links to the federal statutes including the Securities Act of 1933, the Exchange Act of 1934, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
The New York Times excellent M&A and finance blog edited by Andrew Ross Sorkin.
At the Securities & Exchange Commission site, search the on-line EDGAR database of corporate filings of publicly held companies. Search for a person over the entire database, or find quarterly and annual reports, and other disclosures using a company's name or trading symbol. Click on "Search for Company Filings."
The Financial Industries Regulatory Authority.
The New York Stock Exchange homepage.
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
The PCAOB is a private-sector, nonprofit corporation created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 to oversee the auditors of public companies in order to protect the interests of investors and futher the public interest in the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports.
Good securities law information from the Beam & Astarita law firm.
SEC Red Book [pdf]
The Securities & Exchange Commission's enforcement manual.
Securities Lawyer's Deskbook
Securities resources and links for the practitioner publsihed by the University of Cincinnati College of Law.
Securities Litigation Watch
RiskMetrics Group's calendar of securities litigation events. |
Deloitte Tax
Intertational tax resource from the Big 5 accounting firm.
EU Taxation
Europa's taxation section.
Internal Revenue Service
Tax information from the source.
Tax Policy Blog
The official WebLog of the Tax Foundation, a non-partisan, non-profit research organization that has monitored tax policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.
TaxProf Blog
Intersection of taxation and scholarship.
Tax, accounting and payroll sites directory.
Tax Tips
Answers to your federal income tax questions.
WSJ Tax Blog
Wall Street Journal's tax blog. |
The Legal Information Institute's land-use section.
Answers to basic zoning questions.
Links to state and federal zoning and land use resources. |
Wayback Machine
One of the most amazing resources on the web, Archive.org archives images of Websites periodically, and if you know the name of a site—even a now-defunct site—a search of the Wayback Machine will likely turn up the site’s content at many different times in history. Great resource for issues of copyright, defamation, business torts, or just finding a bio from an old employer's Website.
Legal Research |
American Bar Association
The ABA’s site has helpful lawyer resources and information.
Legal research portal with emphasis on international law. Calls itself the “catalog of catalogs of worldwide law on the Internet.
Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute
This was the first law-related site on the World Wide Web. Founded in 1993, before most lawyers had Internet access. This is a first-tier site for free legal research. Start new topics in the "Law About" section.
Criminal Searches
"Do you really know who people are?" Criminal Searches offers free criminal searches, complete with mug shots and addresses.
Daubert on the Web
Over 200 Daubert-related opinions, organized by jurisdiction.
FindLaw is a good, free legal-research site. The resource includes areas for students, legal professionals, businesses, corporate counsel, and the public.
Gavel 2 Gavel
"Today's directory for tomorrow's Internet."
Google Scholar
Currently, Google Scholar allows you to search and read opinions for US state appellate and supreme court cases since 1950, U.S. federal district, appellate, tax and bankruptcy courts since 1923 and U.S. Supreme Court cases since 1791. In addition, it includes citations for cases cited by indexed opinions or journal articles which allows you to find influential cases (usually older or international) which are not yet online or publicly available. Google does not warrant that the information is complete or accurate.
HG Worldwide Legal Directories
An international legal directory created by the Lex Mundi law-firm association.
Inter Alia
An Internet legal-research weblog, among other things.
Legal news and research from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Good legal-resource aggregator.
ALM’s on-line news service.
Law Liabrary Resource Exchange
Law and technology resources for legal professionals.
Lexis's free search tool searches legal-oriented sites so that users "can trust that all content has met LexisNexis criteria for being authoritative and accurate."
Links to law topics, federal and state statutes, rules, forms and more.
“Your Legal Companion Since 1971.” In addition to selling legal forms, Nolo’s “Lolopedia” section offers free, plain-language explanations of many legal issues.
Open Jurist
"Making the laws of the land accessible to the people of the land."
Public Legal
A catorgized index of over 4,000 websites with an emphasis on U.S. law.
Public Library of Law
"The world's largest free law library." Access to primary sources including federal and state cases, statutes, regulations and consititutions.
Public Resource
Making government information more accessible.
Recap the Law
A free add-on to the Firefox web browser that gives PACER users a way to contribute to, and take from a free, open repository of federal court records. When a RECAP user purchases a document from PACER, the RECAP extension automatically sends a copy of that document to the RECAP archive. Then RECAP saves users money by notifying them when documents they’re searching for are already available for free from the public archive.
Search Systems
Sells access to public records from around the country. PC World calls it "one of the oldest and most reliable of these companies." Find marriage records, death records, businss permits, property records for a $5 monthly fee, or use the "premium" service for bankruptcy and criminal records.
U.S. Code
Cornell's U.S. Code collection.
Bills itself as the "#1 Consumer Law Website: Law for All."
World Legal Information Institute
Free, independent and non-profit access to worldwide law.
Zimmerman's Research Guide
An on-line encyclopedia for legal researchers.
General Research |
Excellent catalogue of Internet resources covering all academic subject areas.
Deep Web Research
The "deep Web," sometimes called the "invisible Web" covers somewhere in the vicinity of 1 trillion pages of information located through the World Wide Web in various files and formats that the current search engines on the Internet either cannot find or have difficulty accessing. This site is designed to provide a wide range of resources to better understand the history of deep web research. Includes various classified resources that allow you to search through the currently available web to find key sources of information located via an understanding of how to search the “deep web."
BNET's tool for finding articles on business, reference, technology, news and lifestyle.
How Stuff Works
Simple explanations on a broad range of topics.
Search scholarly journals on-line. Regrettably, to actually read the journal, one must either be affiliated with a library or purchase the piece.
Librarians’ Internet Index
A tremendous index of sites organized by category, and a great resource for serious internet research.
My Corporate Resource
This site is s designed to provide the latest in legal and commercial information from the world’s top law firms and industry insiders. Every year the top 100 American law firms produce more than 10,000 Client Alerts addressing the key commercial and legal issues faced by their clients. This site aggregates, reviews, sorts and summarizes this content--for free--resulting in an excellent resource.
This tremendous resource is a one-stop-shop for practically every Web user. It is often used by journalists for fact checking and should definitely be considered for inclusion in everyone’s “Favorites” menu.
American Lawyer
The American Lawyer specializes on BigFirm practice and information.
Courthouse Forum
A platform for the open and candid evaluation and discussion of cases, courts, the judiciary, and legal issues. Good place to begin research on judges.
Martindale Hubble
Traditional lawyer rating reference.
Robing Room
"Where judges are judged." Good place to begin research on judges. |
Google |
Google is the go-to search engine for most people. Indeed, its search algorithm based on the number of links to sites is very sophisticated. Most people don’t know, however, that Google is also a calculator. Type in, “5+50=” for example, and Google recognizes you are asking it a math problem. Use the asterisk (*) for multiplication and the slash (/) to divide. Google can also do square roots, logarithmic functions, exponentiation, factorials, and more. You can enter “how many feet in a meter?” or find “how many inches in a mile?”
You can also type in the name of a person or business and city and state or zip code, and Google will give you an address and phone number. Type in an area code and number, and it acts as a reverse phonebook, giving the name and address of the person or entity associated with the number and even a map. Type “define: holiday” for the answer (good, as in this case, when seeking a common word’s meaning as a term of art). Type in the tracking number of a FedEx, UPS, or U.S. Postal Service delivery, and it will link you to the page about your package. Don’t forget to include quotation marks to eliminate pages that just contain one of the words or another, and include small words like “a,” “and,” and “the.” Use a minus or plus sign to weed out irrelevant pages. Use wildcards (*) or (?) for unknown words. Also, try asking the question in the form of an answer, i.e. “Zubulake is*.”
Giga Alert
Formerly known as Google Alert, this is a leading solution for monitoring
professional interests online. Track the entire web
for specified topics and receive new results by daily email.
Google News Alert
Sign up, and Google News Alert will send you an email alert when one of your search criteria is in the news.
Google Scholar
Currently, Google Scholar allows you to search and read opinions for US state appellate and supreme court cases since 1950, U.S. federal district, appellate, tax and bankruptcy courts since 1923 and U.S. Supreme Court cases since 1791. In addition, it includes citations for cases cited by indexed opinions or journal articles which allows you to find influential cases (usually older or international) which are not yet online or publicly available. Google does not warrant that the information is complete or accurate.
Google Translate
Cut and paste in paragraphs of text for quick translations to and from many languages.
Google Language
Type a search phrase in your own language to easily find pages in another language. Google translates the results for you to read. Also translates text and web pages.
Google Blog
Google Books
Google Earth
Google Maps
People Finders |
AT&T’s online directory has a reverse directory and international section. With reverse directories attorneys can look up numbers of subpoenaed phone records to determine who a witness has been calling. No cell-phone numbers however.
Criminal Searches
"Do you really know who people are?" Criminal Searches offers free criminal searches, complete with mug shots and addresses.
Department of Commerce: Denied Persons List
You may not engage in export or reexport transactions with persons on this list.
Find People
This is a resource with links to sites that find people, conduct background checks, etc., mostly for fees of around $5–20.
A portal for international phone directory searching.
People and email searches over multiple engines and social-networking sites.
Search Systems
Sells access to public records from around the country. PC World calls it "one of the oldest and most reliable of these companies." Find marriage records, death records, businss permits, property records for a $5 monthly fee, or use the "premium" service for bankruptcy and criminal records.
An Internet Yellow Pages.
White Pages
Billing itself as “the first name in directory assistance,” this site includes a reverse phone number and address engine.
Copernic is a great meta search engine that will search a number of other search engines. Download the free version of Copernic Agent and use it for important Web searches.
Dogpile is another meta search engine. Unlike Copernic, there is no need to download the interface. It will also provide audio and multimedia files that Google alone, for example, will not.
This search engine clusters results by category.
Law.com's free search tool searches an editorially selected sphere of content in addition to its own content.
Lexis's free search tool searches legal-oriented sites so that users "can trust that all content has met LexisNexis criteria for being authoritative and accurate."
Phil Bradley, “Internet Consultant,” runs this interesting site devoted to “making search easier for everyone!” His site includes good information on different search engines and comparative charts.
Search for songs heard on TV or in the movies.
Find and purchase tickets for concerts, sporting events, and theaters from numerous providers.
Search cities and neighborhoods for local businesses' hours of operation.
Find or share a clever quote on this social networking wiki.
Low-cost and royalty-free stock photographs for use in presentations.
PowerPoint corrupts absolutely, and this is an excellent place to begin.
This site has digital maps for sale and for free, which can be useful when needed for court papers or PowerPoint presentations.
Microsoft Office Resources
Microsoft's resource offers thousands of free clipart, photographs, animations, and audio clips for downloading.
Lets you create videos from photographs, and incorporate text and music. The poor lawyer's day-in-the-life production company.
PowerPoint Maps
Purchase maps for use in presentations.
Presenters OnLine
A site devoted to multimedia presentation knowledge.
Presenters University
Free templates and articles on the art and science of PowerPoint.
Technology In Court Presentation [ppt]
Download courtroom technology presentation for personal use only.
Download FTI's free TrialMax program which, like Trial Director and Sanction II, is a trial presentation program that allows lawyers to bring up and highlight all forms of digital evidence before the finder of fact.
Webcasting Academy
Information on the fundamentals and best practices of webcasting to support your business objectives.
Google News
Remember that for important research on issues in the news, a Google search alone will miss news stories that will come up by searching Google News.
This site is useful for following local news in your or other cities. “Your town. Your news. Your take.”
Newspaper Front Pages
Headlines from local newspapers around the country.
Law Blogs |
Above The Law
A legal tabloid.
Aronfeld BlogSpot
Miami's PI lawyer provides the scoop on the selection, settlement and trial of personal injury and medical malpractice cases, and discusses the life and times of a trial lawyer.
Bankruptcy Blog Exchange
All the bankruptcy blogs in one convenient location.
Becker-Posner Blog
Nobel laureate and University of Chicago professor Gary Becker and 7th Circuit Judge Richard Posner provide their view on law and economics.
Bitter Lawyer
Entertainment, career advice, humor and video for lawyers.
Source for legal blogs, news feeds and podcasts.
Capital Comment Blog
Your guide to the region's top events, mixed with some commentary about life, media, gossip and politics in Washington, DC.
Computer Forensics Digest
A legal resource for attorneys, law enforcement, and the public.
Constitutional Law Prof Blog
Edited by law professors.
The New York Times excellent M&A and finance blog edited by Andrew Ross Sorkin.
Drug and Device Law
Blog on the defense of pharmaceutical and medical device product-liability litigation.
E-Discovery Law
K&LGates' well-known e-discovery blog and resource.
E-Discovery Team
Writer, lawyer and educator, Ralph Losey's blog on e-discovery issues.
Election Law Blog
Loyola Law School (LA) professor Rick Hanson's blog on election law, campaign finance, legislation, voting rights, initiatives, redistricting, and the Supreme Court nomination process.
Energy Legal Blog
Your resource for updates and analysis on national and regional energy issues.
Ernie The Attorney
Hurricane bloger and solo practioner provides a view from New Orleans.
Legal Hold Blog
A blog dedicated to cases, insights, developments and best practices relating to the development and implementation of legal holds relating to audit, investigation and litigation in the United States; and trigger events that give rise to the duty to preserve evidence in the United States.
JD Journal
"Nothing but the truth."
Labor and Employment Law Blog
The purpose of this blog is to provide articles on labor and employment issues that involve federal labor and employment laws, and to be a resource for employers, human resource professionals, and labor relation's officers.
Law School Reports
University of Chicago law professor ranks law schools and provides info on academic job openings, law professor salaries, and law school news.
Plugged In Lawyer
Focusing on what lawyers can do with social media.
PropertyProf Blog
The Law Professor Blogs Network resident property professor.
Rainmaker Blog
Marketing and business development strategies.
Supreme Court news with summaries and analysis of new opinions.
The magazine for women in litigation. Okay, it's a magazine not a blog. So sue me.
Tax Policy Blog
The official WebLog of the Tax Foundation, a non-partisan, non-profit research organization that has monitored tax policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.
TaxProf Blog
Intersection of taxation and scholarship.
Technolawyer Blog
"All the legal technology and practice management news that's fit to blog."
Trial Practice Blog
The trial practice tips weblog from Illinios and Missouri lawyer Evan Schaeffe.
Trial Lawyer Tips Blog
Tips from trial lawyers.
WSJ Law Blog
Wall Street Journal's excellent law blog.
Off Topic |
Bills itself as the number 1 site for Blackberry users (and abusers).
David Dadon Due Diligence Resource Center
An interesting array of public documents and information relating to one-time Hollywood movie producer David Dadon.
Humorous material on things that fail.
Global Language Monitor
Analyzes and tracks trends around the world with an emphasis on (or is it "upon" as the site says?) "Global English."
Tips for living more efficiently.
National Debt Clock
Real-time tracking of U.S. national debt, financial meltdown, cost of war, social security, medicare/medicade, interest on debt, U.S. credit-card debt, population, unemployment, and private debt per citizen. Best to be informed.
Where popular culture and law collide.
Smoking Gun
Sometimes useful in finding original pleadings and court papers from high-profile cases . . . usually just an outlet for voyerism.
Your cookbook of tech-tutorials.
Tip of the Day
A popular source of almost-daily technology tips from Miami attorney, Miguel de la O. TotD named us the "Best Legal Research Portal on the Internet," so you know it's good.
That's What She Said
Spotting the lawsuits in every episode of NBC's The Office and assigning litigation values for each.
Digg is a social news website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories. Voting stories up and down is the site's cornerstone function, respectively called digging and burying. Many stories get submitted every day, but only the most Dugg stories appear on the front page.
Facebook is a privately owned social networking site enabling users to set up profiles, send messages, join networks, and indicate interests.
Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community platform. In addition to being a popular website for users to share personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository. As of June 2009, it claims to host more than 3.6 billion images.
Friendster is a privately owned social networking website headquartered in Sydney, Australia. The service allows users to contact other members, and share videos, photos, messages and comments with other members via their profile. Friendster has over 90-million registered users and over 61-million unique visitors a month globally. The website receives approximately 19-billion page views per month, and is in the top-100 global website based on web traffic. Over 90% of Friendster's traffic comes from Asia, where Friendster has more monthly unique visitors than any other social network.
Hi5 is a social-networking site claiming to have over 60-million users. Although U.S.-based, it is especially popular in Latin America.
Linkedin is a social-networking site with over 43-million members that is mainly used for professional networking.
List of Social Networking Websites
Use this list to research social networks popular with particular demographics and geographic areas.
MySpace is a Social network service headquartered in Beverly Hills, California and owned indirectly by News Corporation. MySpace became the most popular social networking site in the United States in June 2006. According to ComScore, MySpace was overtaken internationally by main competitor Facebook in April 2008, based on monthly unique visitors.
StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation engine which uses peer and social-networking principles. Web pages are presented when the user clicks the "Stumble!" button on the browser's toolbar. StumbleUpon chooses which Web page to display based on the user's ratings of previous pages, ratings by his/her friends, and by the ratings of users with similar interests.
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service(SMS) or external applications. It is sometimes described as the "SMS of the Internet" since the use of Twitter's application programming interface for sending and receiving short text messages by other applications often eclipses the direct use of Twitter. Twitter is ranked as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide by Alexa Internet. A February 2009 Compete.com ranked Twitter as the third most used social network based on their count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits.
YouTube is a video sharing Website headquartered in Calirornia and now owned by Google. The company uses Adobe Flash Video technology to displade a wide variety of searchable user-generated video content.
Zimbio is an online magazine publisher that allows users to build interactive "wikizines", or web magazines, on whatever topic they choose. The site commonly covers headlines in entertainment, style, current events, and more. Zimbio is one of the fastest growing community sites on the internet. |
Travel |
Air France
Book online, check flight status, information and services, FlyingBlue, business services.
American Airlines
Book travel, check in, travel information, special fairs and offers, information on AAdvantage and products.
Fees, schedules, fairs, reservations, routes, stations, deals, rewards.
Reserve a car, and find locations, deals, and services.
Delta Airlines
Book a trip, check in, check iteneraries, reservations, SkyMiles.
Contential Airlines
Check in, reservations, travel information, OnePass freequent flyer, products and services.
Book discount travel online.
Reserve a car, and find locations, special offers, vehicle guide and #1 Club info.
Book discount travel online. You can choose the level of luxury you want, but it chooses the hotel.
"The art and science of traelling light," for those who'd rather eat their own flesh than check luggage.
This site "kayaks" all the travel sites on the Web to compare travel deals.
Book discount travel online. "Name your own price for even deeper discounts."
Figure out where the bulkheads, aisles, and exit rows are on that A-320 before booking.
Europe's largest car rental company.
Southwest Airlines
Book a trip, check in, check iteneraries, reservations, Rapid Rewards.
TAM Airlines
Reservations, offers, Fidelidade program.
More than 20 million reviews of restaurants, hotels, cruises and other attractions.
Excellent place to keep track of freequent flyer program offers, deals, promotions and changes.